Career Direct

Discover your God-given design with an online Career Direct assessment. It will help you maximize your God-given talents and abilities and steering your academic and occupational decisions in the direction that most fits your profile.  

It analyzes four critical areas: 

1. PERSONALITY - How I naturally respond

2. INTERESTS - What I am interested in doing

3. SKILLS - What I naturally do well

4. VALUES - What I value in my work and life

The online assessment takes about 1 to 1.5 hours to complete, after which it generates a 24 page report. Finally the report will be discussed and explained to you by a consultant for 1 to 2 hours. We recommend 2 to 3 Career Choices. 

The assessment helps Grade 9s with subject choices and Grade 11 students and adults with future career planning.

If you are interested in completing a Career Direct Assessment, please contact us. We'd love to hear from you.

Derick & Sanet Vermeulen

 +264812718422 (Derick)

 +264812931771 (Sanet)

Contact Career Direct

Career Direct Success Stories

Gerhard Coetzee 

did Career Direct many years ago and today he is passionate to help disabled people to have a better life as a Product & Industrial Designer.

Johan van Dyk

In 2022, Johan embarked on a transformative journey by taking a Career Direct test with Derick. He sought answers to the persistent feelings of exhaustion and unfulfillment that had plagued him for years. What he discovered was a profound realization – his role as a Pediatrician did not align with his true calling. While he cherished his work in the hospital and the intensive care unit, the long hours in the office had taken a toll.

With faith and a fervent desire for guidance, Johan found himself presented with a remarkable opportunity – at nearly 50 years old, he decided to pursue his dreams and delve into the field of Neonatology. It's truly remarkable how divine providence works! Johan's gratitude extends to Derick and Career Direct for their invaluable guidance, as well as Lady Pohamba Hospital for believing in him and affording him this life-changing opportunity.

For when we embrace the path that aligns with our divine purpose, it transcends mere employment; it becomes a profound vocation, a calling that fills our hearts with boundless joy. Fast forward to June 2025, and Johan is set to complete his Master's Degree in Neonatology at UCT. He is preparing to return to Namibia, where he will contribute to Lady Pohamba Hospital and the community, sharing his newfound knowledge and skills to serve the people of Namibia.

What a privilege it is to live your dream, and Johan van Dyk is living proof that it's never too late to pursue your true calling.