Dearest Sanet & Monika,
Please allow me to write a short testimonial for your character building program and the positive impact it has made to my kindergarten.
Presenting the program to my little ones has brought definite benefits to their lives!
Children have an innate curiosity to learn and motivation to do good – something which this program highlights in fun, interactive songs and flashcards.
Translating these concepts in ways that are easy for them to understand.
I have seen changes in their behavior at school, as well as in their interactions with each other. They are also taking this information home with them.
I love hearing the feedback from the parents because it demonstrates how effortlessly the children apply the lessons they have learnt at home.
Thank you for this wonderful program and your contagious enthusiasm!
Warm regards,
Santie (Busy Hands Pre-Primary School)

Character Transformation Namibia:
- Character transformation is one of the programs of Adonai Trust.- It is a program that educates and implements ethical behavior.
- The program focuses on seven values/pillars of life:
Principal of Busy Hands Pre-Primary School