Life has been a journey for and for 12 years I was doing different types of office works which I never really felt good about. The work satisfaction was just not always there. I studied Secretarial, because it was safe and you knew that you would always have work.
In 2017 I went to Adonai Trust to do the Career Direct test and this helped me immensely, because they could explain to me that I was definitely in the wrong career doing office work. My personality was not to sit behind a desk or do filing (which I was not always good at), but I did do the work because it was work.

After sitting down and discussing the results I went and did a lot of thinking as to how to per sue this career with no experience. I looked at possible schools and my mother assisted me any way possible until I was privileged to get a meeting with Chef Terry from Silver Spoon Academy. After the meeting and some time, I received a letter that I have been accepted to their academy for the chef diploma course. I was so happy and knew that this was for me, the only problem was funding which I unfortunately did not have.
I decided to pray about it and leave it in God’s hands because he will know what path I should take to per sue my dream. In September 2017 I was privileged to meet Mr & Mrs Rechter – owners of Joe’s Beerhouse Windhoek. They are clients of my mother and I mentioned on the phone that I would like to do this and they advised me to come and see them. I met with them and they explained that they would like to offer me an internship for 3 months to see if this is what I really want to do.
I started with them 3 October 2017 and it was a journey, to see all the finest food since preparation until it reached the clients table. I knew that I got this chance and I will do anything to make this my career and not only to be an intern but to show that I have talent that they would consider hiring me. I showed what I can do and they took notice of that.
January 2018 they offered me a year contract with them and I knew God is planning ahead and if this is His plan all will work out. In February Mr Rechter has seen my talent and decided to start a special lunch menu for each week and he asked me to run with the menu and the food served. I was so overwhelmed and ran with it.
We had some specials in the evening which I have done and my name was put on a dish 2 times in this journey.
In June this year Mrs Rechter came to me and told me that they would like to help me further my knowledge and help me get my papers to become a Chef. I did some research and returned to them with possible schools and courses to further my career.
Two weeks later they called me in and told me I will be attending the Culinary Arts Apprentice Ship at Silver Spoon Academy for the next 18 months, it is not full time so I can study and work. I was over the moon of joy and knew at that moment that the first time I wanted to attend I could not and now I can just in another way.
I have done now my first week at school and I know that this will further me in my dream. Once the apprentice ship is done, they will allow me to do a further 18 months to complete my Chef Diploma.
The dream one day is to also teach other students to live their dream just like me.
God works in mysterious ways and what we need to do is trust Him always and what I do is every time I get a compliment for a great dish I thank Him for the talent He gave and not keep all the credit for myself.
Thank you again Adonai Trust for showing me the path that God has planned for me.

My Testimony – Karlien von Hatten